Monday, March 8, 2010

On This Woman's Day

I realise, it is not only about expecting the male species to respect the woman kind and treat them well.................It is also up to each one of us- a woman, to respect what we are~!

Not to expect us to be understood and treated well by someone else outside of us, but to look within and like and understand the god's creation that we are!


  1. Exactly! One reason why i do not support Women's reservation Bill. When women are capable of taking on men, they should do it o their own with out the help of any reservations of quotas !

  2. Why should there be reservation of any kind?

    For women or caste wise or financially!

    Each one of us is capable of taking on anybody and giving a fight!


    Then why stop only a women's reservation bill? Remove all kinds of reservation- and that is never going to happen! It's just vote bank politics and it has absolutely nothing to do with the welfare of anybody except the politicians!

  3. Exactly! There we go....our thoughts match! Am also against all kinds of reservation!

  4. No posts from quite some time....i noticed u deleted one of your own post!!
    Hoping to see one soon!

  5. Pefect! Wish all the women out there think like you to have that self esteem to 'achieve' things on their own. Good to see the think seed coming on a special day.

  6. Now a days women have changed i can see their status in the society is almost equal to men but still the domination on women exists i think this will also be eliminated in coming times!

  7. I m really doubtful about the domination going anytime!
    It has always been there - if you look at the history of civilization!
    secondly, muscular energy is very tough to compete against- there should not be any friction between the 2 genders because we are made unequal!


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