Friday, March 18, 2011

Random Letter to Someone ( Part 5- Abt Dating, seduction and possibilities)

Dear Someone,

Today morning I came across an absurd site while browsing for information. ( I know I've left my story: "The village witch", halfway. The trouble is the kind of twist I want to give . It requires substantial knowledge of Wicca or at least some understanding of the art , less I make logical errors and write a story that's unbelievable.)

So while browsing for info on Wicca I came across this site---------> , and it totally caught me by surprise as its a site which boasts of training men on the Art of Attraction and seduction. What more? It conducts workshops in my city!

I carefully went through the contents of the site and let me confess, I found it interesting! This is what the film "Hitch" is based on. I don't understand what made the female lead go mad on Hitch ( Will Smith) for teaching men to hook up the woman of their dreams!! I mean come on!! Isn't it better for us women to be in the company of a man who knows how to treat us, how to make us laugh and entertain us rather than accompany a nervous wrack??

We women long for the man of our dreams throughout our lives- Someone with the right looks, the right manners and the right words! But how many times do we really come across a man who knows how to treat us?? I know many women must be thinking that it's better to have the company of a man who is himself than a man who's been taught to behave in a particular way! But Hello?? Haven't all of us learnt the ways to talk and to walk, through some or the other medium? This workshop is just a step ahead of self teaching! This workshop is where the experts tell you what is the best for you, so what's the harm?

I shared the link with some of my friends and I got different reactions. Men who are confidant of their art and approach think this is bullshit! Some women think this kind of thing is cheap! ( "Yuk! How desperate can you get to just have the company of a woman?? Cheap!") , Some other women thanked god! (" Ohh! The concept finally makes way into India! At least now, we'll have more fun on dates!"), some men with whom I shared the link thanked me for sharing the info with them! My personal opinion is, "Now that "Hitch" is here, when will "Speed Dating" make its way into Indian Society??

I'd really like to meet the well groomed men who know what to say and do and who don't shy away from the truth that our whole life is actually just a game of attraction! There's nothing cheap about the universal truth, that seduction is and always will be something that will capture our minds!

For those men and women who want to make this topic an issue of ego, vulgarity and treat it as something negative, yeah you can have your way- Please go ahead and complain, criticize and laugh on those who are trying to learn something new. No good ever comes out of laughing on others anyway, so yeah! waste your time! Others, if you find the link helpful, great going and wish you all the best!




  1. Hey even i browsed that site and I found it interesting. I second your opinion,guys with the right manners and the right words are always make really good impression. No harm in getting some basic skill sharpen :P :P !!

  2. This site not only sharpens a man's basic skills but also trains a man in higher skills ;-)

  3. nice....pretty informative site....gotta c if it works... :P ;-)

  4. It would definitely be a good-to-try thing .. just like that. But .. what makes me not-so-convinced about this kind of "training" is that it places all women (and men) into one bucket.

    Every woman is different, and wishes to be wooed differently. Similarly, every man has his own method of finding his way into a woman's heart (or bedroom - whichever way you look at it).

    I dont know if it is possible to fit all of this into one stereotype.

  5. I think basic training is required into which u can add ur own flavor depending on ur personality. D same rule applies to any kind of learning- even when I write in English, it was required 1st that I learn d rules n then go around n play with d language to express myself d way it is best for me.

  6. I think d site owners should pay me for driving so much traffic and attention their way ;-)


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