Monday, July 6, 2009

spending weekends

Margao very rarely sees a dance recital of a famous dancer, or a Classical music recital of a well known singer! Once in 6 months does an artist of International repute step into Margao to show his talent!

But even then, the participation of the general public in cultural activities is below expectation!

What is our Goan public doing on weekends?
Why dont they feel the need to come out and be culturally enriched?

Most of them are stuck to their television sets! Either Watching IIfa awards or a film or some bakwaas serials.

The youth is busy with internet or computer games. Its raining now a days, or most of them are on Mont e Hill (drinking,smoking,wasting time).

Some go out for dinner, and most prefer lazing at home since there is a busy week coming up!

well! you can do what you like throughout the year, but at least once in 3 to 4 months, take out special time to introduce your children to rare skill and talent??!
Once in 6 months open your heart to rare beats and soul touching music!!

We are not a Metropolitan city! And the exposure here is minimum! Most of the times, I hear most people proudly saying " Goa has so much potential and Talent! Goan youth are not given the opportunity!" .

Do we take the opportunity when it comes? Or do we prefer to lazily sit at home and relax?

From when did Goans start thoughtlessly running behind money and jobs?
Now a days, the youth is only interested in those activities that can help him/her earn money!

India has so much to offer...... When are we going to understand the importance of our culture?
when some outsiders patents The Philosophy of Yoga? Or our classical dance styles? Our music? our Traditions?

Why do we give respect to our culture only when a foreigner thinks it is great? Cant we judge a talent on our own? Where is our high sense, high talent gone?
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