Tuesday, April 13, 2010

No place like home!

This time when I visited Goa, I learnt more about her beauty then I ever had before!!

I'd always hated Goan summers because they are hot and humid and sweaty! But at least the sweat protects your skin and keeps the body cool- it doesn't burn like here in Bengaluru!

No restaurants or cooks in Bengaluru can ever match up to my mum's food! I'd almost lost my appetite in the last week before I left for Goa! And all I could dream of at nights were the simple "bhaji's" and "toys" ( It's a variety of daal tadka. Not pronounced as 'toy' meaning a child's toy...it's pronounced....well! Forget it! There are so many words in Indian languages that English can never help in pronunciation- this is one of them! )

The calmness and peace that surrounds Goa is refreshing! And I just trekked in the evergreen forests of Netravali and had a dip in one of its several cool waterfalls- That my friends, is a heavenly experience!!

Goa , to me, is To hear the songs of birds every morning when I wake up!
And to see the happiness in the eyes of my pets when they see me!

Goa is walking any street and meeting people you know ( and occasionally having to face a comment or two!)

It's the freedom to take the bike or the car anywhere I like, without having to worry about the time and the place!

And speeding- yes! Goa is the place ( especially at nights) to speed your vehicle!

Goa- is everything you ever need!

The only problem area is lack of opportunities , especially career wise!
Another major problem is dirty politics which will eventually kill this beautiful state!
And at  last, an orthodox society which vehemently refuses to grow up and walk with the times!
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