Friday, January 24, 2025

Sharon Raj Murder case vs Kolkata Jr.Doctor Rape case wrt applying Rarest of rare concept in awarding the death sentence.

Sharon Raj Murder case , Kolkata Rape case  and the 'Rarest of rare' case concept in awarding death sentence.

In Sharon Raj Murder case, his girlfriend who wanted to no longer continue the relationship with him poisoned his drink with pesticides which lead to multiple organ failure and death.
The Court held that this was rarest of rare case and awarded death.

On the other hand, a junior doctor was raped and murdered in the hospital where she was on duty. there were multiple injuries on her body suggesting a horrible crime scene.
Yet the Kolkata High Court decided this wasnt rarest of rare case and awarded life imprisonment.

Are our judges really fair?
Is our justice system fair?
Is our system normalising rape and murder?

Or do they take more notice when men are harmed and injured by women?

Sudha Murthy's short story 'Genes'

I read this short story by Sudha Murthy Called 'Genes',
in her otherwise positive motivational stories,
this stands as a slight exception,
and it made me think...

The story goes that at her grandfather's house came a young boy who said he had no family and no money and nowhere to go and asked for help.

Murthy's grandfather kept him him as a house help, taught him how to do daily puja and paid him Rs.100 per.month. In those days 100 was a lot for an unskilled labourer. 

but that boy (Anant) learnt everything  in time. He assisted every member of the family and continued working for just rs.100.

Later a nearby village priest who had only one daughter, got her married to Anant and Anant moved to the other village to take care of the local temple. 

Time passed by.

Years later Anant comes asking for a loan for his IIT'ian Grandson. 
Sudha Murthy lands 2 lakhs without any documentation because she trusts Anant. 

More years pass by.
No word from the IITian grandson.

Years later she sees the IIT'ian boy as a rich man traveling business class and attends the same program as her.
He however does not seem to notice her.
She finally gets in touch with him via his office. His assistant says he is too busy. She persists , and he comes on the line.
When she reminds him abt the loan,
He reminds her that his grandfather worked his ass off for a meagre salary of rs.100/- . That is exploitation. And Murthy should have compensated his family rather than asking him  to pay back a meagre loan. But keeping his grandfather's sentiments in mind, he isn't pushing for anything, neither talking abt it in the public space. 

Murthy ends the story by stating that she realised that day that honesty isnt passed down through genes,
only diseases are.

This story made me think.
Was the grandson wrong to feel anger  towards Murthy?
True that Murthy's family supported the young man when he had nobody else,
but wasn't it true that they did in fact exploit him? that they could have paid him more with time since he was an honest man, dedicated to the family? 
Isn't it fair to be angry for not being paid handsomely for your honesty and loyalty?

I forwarded this story amongst some of my close friends and got very interesting replies. 
Some felt that yes, Anant was exploited. This is how rich people keep being rich. They like to collect honest people but are not ready to pay for that loyalty.

Others felt that Murthy's family gave this man everything that he is standing on today. They imparted their values and way of life which one can not measure in terms of money. 

What do you think?
Why did Anant's grandon feel so angry at Murthy? 

I see the same anger seething in class and caste distinctions! Lower castes and lower classes (in terms of money and power) feel a lot of resentment towards the upper classes, those they have to serve. 

I wonder why humans in general hate those who are in some way better than them? 
Or is there some other angle to this scenario which I am missing out?

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