Saturday, June 27, 2009

About Sexuality

I don’t understand why the west makes so much noise about sexuality! They love to make it into a major issue!

Now that they are bored of (over) sleeping with the opposite sex, they want to try out something new! So what do they do?.......They invent the story of a man born with an urge to love another man and vice versa.

I wonder from when these gay- lesbian issues started? And while a part of me thinks I don’t want to interfere into people’s sexuality problems, the other part says , “ well! These gays and lesbians are messing up our lives!”

Today they say same gender sex is ok! Tomorrow some other class of people will claim to enjoy an adult and child sex, some third class will claim human being to animal sex as perfectly normal!

These un-natural relationships are not ok! And they will never be! Gosh I hope India at least will never legalize same sex marriages!

What kind of a “trend” are we setting for our kids here? Tomorrow when my girl grows up she will have a choice to make- whether she wants to marry a boy or a girl? This is ridiculous! We are confusing our species here!


  1. I beg to disagree JSincro. I'm not sure whether it is an open-and-shut-case. I have read some blogs by people who are "closet-gays"; i.e, people who were gay/lesbian but never came out in the open about it. One cant help but feel for them.

    Regarding the "unnatural-ness" of it all - well, gays and lesbians are mature, consenting adults. That is different from the case of sex between an adult and a child - where a child does not even know what it is going through.

    I have given quite a bit of thought to this - what stand I should take in the debate for and against same-sex relationships. And I think I have decided to support them (I surprised even myself with that conclusion actually!). And its more than the "none-of-my-business" logic that has resulted in this conclusion. It is more about respecting their .. different-ness and their choice.

  2. Throughout I actually supported them, I didnt see any problem with their choices until 1 day when I heard a debate on the TV and The questions asked by the non supporters couldnt be ignored.

    I believe that most of us choose not to support them because we know very little about their lives! I saw on Oprah that a 6 year old boy attempted suicide because he was a transgender and was getting frustrated with his difficult status. ( He was a girl from the inside born in a male body!)This looked highly exaggerated to me! I have a cousin who's 6, what do kids know about sexuality? Perhaps in the west the over exposure that their kids get at an age when they cant handle it is the main cause of such cases!

  3. i dont think that homosexuality is a new concept. its been around for centuries, but we've taken notice now! and even though sometimes doubts are created and it makes me wonder where we are heading with this, i still cant ignore the fact that i've seen it around me. its real and it is more frustrating for those who go through it. its easier to express opinions standing on the sidelines. frankly, what do we know? but do we support or oppose is something we have to decide!

  4. My reaction to it is mixed... State has no business dictating the sex of bed/life partner. Similarly the gay community should be sensitive to majority community culture... Their open flaunting of their sexual preference leaves a bad taste.. Imagine a kid watching a Gay Pride parade ...

  5. Its a choice made by any mature individual.

    And as Kiran says its about time we accept and respect their "different-ness and their choice"


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