Wednesday, September 1, 2010

U N I ( Part 4)

Monday morning. Juhi's Office:

Juhi walked into the conference room, which was her work desk for the past 1 month due to the work load. Vyankat Swami was already there, reading the newspaper. Juhi did not say a word, she just kept her bag and took a seat opposite Vyankat. Vyankat too did not say a word, he only watched her.

They watched each other for a long time, their eyes had started arguing long before their mouths made an entry in the fighting scene.

" You don't look at me like that! I'm your senior here!" Juhi stood up and challenged Vyankat.

" Yeah I know that! But I need to know what the hell were you up to on Saturday night?"

" What was I upto? I should be asking you that question....what were you upto?? Your R & D sucks you asshole! The guy's got a girl friend he's planning to get married to."

" Well! Nobody in the hospital knows anything about that......that means the relationship is either under wraps or he just wanted to get rid of a drunkard stupid girl falling all over him! You passed 2 of those teas to me, how many did you have?"

" Two!"

" That means he thinks you were 4 Long Island ice teas down! Holy Cow! poor guy must be wondering how you were even standing there......and that stupid attempt at kissing?? J?? I really wanted to come and slap you out have never done anything like that before."
She was thoughtful....she took a seat, " I've never been so attracted to anybody before! I've never ever felt like going and just kissing a guy out of the blue was such a strong desire!"

" You do carry the pepper spray , don't you?" Vyankat was still in his spy man mode.

" Yes I do!" Juhi was lost in her thoughts.

Vyankat realized that. "I can try and find out everything you need to know about him. proper R & D! I did not get time this time......"

" Leave him alone...he's not good for me. Nothing has been even close to "good" when I am with him! Now get down to business…its all on us from now on and we have to put up a damn good show if we want to achieve our goals, get it Swamy?”
“Yes Sir!”

Vyankat Swami was a fresh grad just out of college a few months back. He was Juhi’s assistant. They made quite a team! Not only were they good players at work, but also outside their work circle. Both of them together had helped each other climb the ladders of their careers . Even if Juhi alone had to attend many of the company meetings in a restaurant or any other outside location, Vyankat would always hang around somewhere in the backdrop. They even played wing man for each other. Their partnership had helped so much that whenever Juhi wanted to do anything risky, she always told Vyankat her plans. And if he was free, he always volunteered.

After all it was Vyankat's secret desire to be 007! Whenever he went to the washroom, he would stand in front of the mirror and say aloud, " I am Swamy! Vyankat Swamy!"

And what a coincidence it was.......just like Bond, Swamy had a female Boss!

Bond called her 'M',

Swamy called her 'J'!

( To be continued........)
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