Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Super Mommies!!

Now a days more and more women choose to work while their tiny tots are under the care, protection and guidance of a maid!

How good is this practice ? Should it be encouraged or discouraged? Is the life of a woman so short that she can’t spare a couple of months for her child? Career- money- jobs…. Is it more important then your child?

All the education, experience and sense that we earn through our intelligence- is it for our employer/company or for our next generation?

But I tend to have mixed feelings on this issue.

I saw a news report on a news channel wherein a mother of a 15 day old baby girl went to work. Now that her kids are all grown up, she says she had made the right decision since kids don’t require their mothers when they are small as much as guidance they require when they start going to school and reach higher standards!

I feel the mothers should stay home with their babies or work from home for at least 6 months when the child is breastfed. They also need to pay close attention to their health and in those 6 months should exercise and concentrate on being physically fit.

What I don’t understand right now is how can you concentrate in work when your child is at home? At least if you have your in laws or parents to help out, it’s a different situation, but how sane is it to keep a child with a maid?

{The problem with Indian laws is that it gives only 3 months paid leave to a mother.}

Some believe, Issues like imparting values and manners come later, when a child reaches the age of 3 or something like that- that is the time when the parents have to take the responsibility for their wards. Before that the child doesn’t need the mother much.

Another trend I’ve seen now a days is most women prefer a c-section even when their doctors advice a normal delivery, just because they are scared to go through the pain! I fail to understand where all this education goes? A normal delivery is anytime better for a woman’s health. Only if there are complications, the doctor advises one to go for a c-section.

But Overall , from my observation what is important is bringing up a child!
And that is not dependant on whether you are working or a stay at home mom. I’ve seen a lot of my friends, who are very well brought up, and amazing human beings had all their mothers working when they were young. Of course a few examples here and there exist of out of hand brats! But that goes to children brought up by stay at home moms too. If you stay at home but don’t give the right values then what is the whole point? You rather go and work!

Well! Motherhood is a difficult thing! And I really don’t know if I should’ve commented on it! But I feel strongly about this issue, so thought of sharing it. I would like to know your point of view about this issue.
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