Saturday, October 31, 2009

Shuttling between Mumbai to Goi

As I shuttle between Mumbai to Goa,
I realise that I am trying to keep a difficult balance:
between my past , my present and my future,
between what I want , what I've been, and what I should be!
between my dreams and my reality,
between true happiness and a fakade of smiles,
between social pressures and inner peace,
between love and friendship,
between trust , faith and relationships!

As I shuttle between Mumbai to Goa,
I see a sea of choices sorrounding me...
Should I walk on, Or should I wait for others to walk with me?
Should I take the path less taken or should I keep listening to what other's have told me?

As I shuttle from Mumbai to Goa,
I find my life torn into bits and pieces...
Every bit shouting out my name,
Every piece blaming me for the loss of the game!

As I shuttle from Mumbai to Goa,
I realise... someday...this journey back and forth has to stop...
I realise I cannot keep hanging in the moment,
I realise this balancing act has to drop!

As I travel from Goa to Mumbai,
This time around with no return ticket,
I've told myself, "This is it! Just do it!"
There's no point in living a life which is of other's making,
If its grief and insult you have to bear, just take in..

Life is a journey, we all are travellers,
But it makes sense only if we move forward!
Do what it takes but please keep moving,
In the start it may hurt, but time is soothing!

With dreams in my eyes and faith in my heart,
I set my foot on cold unknown paths....
Hope hopes and wishes come true soon,
Hope my decision turns out to be a boon,
May Some day many a travellers learn from me..
A Hard lesson but one that's worth remembering!

Janaki Shinkre ...
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