Monday, August 30, 2010

U N I ( Part 1)

They stood in the empty hall......looking around and then turned to look at each other.
" My o My! Finally....we are here!" She said breaking the silence.
They knew each other only for a month- no more, no less! This was one of those crazy silly impulsive decisions of his that he rarely ever took!

The work men were bringing in their stuff......not much of it though. They had no furniture! Just bags.... mostly full of clothes, the rest of the things had to be bought.

Krupal paid off the workmen and they left.

Juhi was still wide eyed, breathing fast and looking around........basically she looked very unstable, unsure......Krupal looked at her, " It's okay now...sit down!"

"We are actually going to start living in together!! Do you realize what that can be like? What if my parents find out? I've an uncle staying in Bengaluru you know? I mean...talking about it.......I always gave this a thought, so did all my girl friends....but all of them chose marriage...and I chose this! That too with a guy I don't even love......"
She stopped walking around and came and sat near him.

He did not have any less of issues on his mind.

All that they had been doing since they met 1 month back wasn't any less crazy.....but by far...this was too much!

Why did they do it?

Juhi was a MBA from a prestigious university...

And he was a doctor working for one of the top hospitals in Bengaluru!

They had everything they needed.....a good paying job, even lovers......

They met through a common friend, the day the common friend met with an accident, the common friend was his classmate in school and now her boss..

The only thing missing in their "Perfect Lives" was a bit of spice!

Their 1st date was in his consultancy, which had started off with him explaining how many cracks her boss has in his leg.

" How many months will he have to be on bed then?"

" 1 month for’s the leg so he better not put too much pressure!"

" Ohh.....that means I will have to be in charge of everything then!" She half said it to herself.

His phone rang and he turned his back on her,

She happily punched her fist in the air. Finally she would get the opportunity to showcase her capabilities.....Yuhuuu...another punch in the air....

" You seem very happy with the news!" He had finished his call!

" Ummm......." She tried to think quickly of an explanation but she knew her punches had very well given her she smiled, " I know its mean of me to be happy about my Boss's broken leg , but I've been working so hard for the past 1 year to get an opportunity to really showcase my talent and if not his broken leg then I don't know what else would give me that opportunity!"

" Were you in any case responsible for breaking his leg?" He asked suspiciously and waited for her response, narrowing his eyes...

" Yes.....I prayed for it..." She replied keeping in tune with his tone,
and then," Hell No! I would never do anything like was an accident!" She smiled naughtily.

He smiled back, " So is he a very difficult boss?"

" Don't ask!" She replied making a face.

" Does he still like get all sweaty and nervous when there are issues to be dealt with?"

" Totally! And I hate that! It's so like eww to see someone all sweaty in an air conditioned room!" She said all that and then she thought for a second, " Do you already know my boss by any chance?"

" He was my best buddy in school! Bench mates!"

She shook her head in disbelief! She had never fucked up so badly with anyone before. 1st the air punch and now this.....she just did not know how to get up and get lost from his clinic and this doctor....she decided she would keep it simple..., "Alright Doc! I think I've done enough damage for myself today, more damage than my boss's broken leg. I better be going now. Hope not to meet you again, this has been so embarrassing!" She got up, picked her purse and started walking to the door.

" What's your name?"

She turned ," I rather not tell you that."

" I can find out from your boss!"

" No.....Don't!........ I'm Juhi!"

He walked to her and extended his hand, " I am Dr. Krupal! Now may I ask your company for a cup of coffee?" She looked around in a gesture to turn down the offer, " And I would suggest you not to put this offer down else all your secrets will be out of the box!"

" This is blackmail!"

" I would call it a pick up line!"

" A pick up line with no room for a negative answer??"

" Isn't that like ultra smart?"

" Yeah! I don’t believe I actually believed all this time that all docs are lame!"

" Oooooh! That hurt!"

" Target let's go...we are even!"

And that was how it began.

( To be continued in parts........)
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