Saturday, November 20, 2010


Innocent as a child,
So Sweet like a sweet,
Soft steps leading me,To the night so deep!

Trust in my heart,
Faith in my soul,
I walk step in step,
To the dungeons unknown.

Dreams so high,
Wishes so many,
Hopes of all shapes,
And the company of a Canny.....

Caution from a friend,
Worried look of the sister,
But that's not enough to save me,
From the forthcoming sinister.

Dark and cold,
Like the depth of the sea,
No light for what seems like centuries.

Cuts and bruises on my body,
Trembling in the cold, I'm lonely...
Distant voices scare me,
Unfriendly whispers surround me.

I hold myself so tight for a moment, I hear my heavy breathing,
I'm alive,and that's all that matters,
I'll find my way out,
Sometime ....
Maybe Now or a bit later.

I hit against a door,
And cry and shout for help.
I fall a few steps down below,
In another laid trap!

When will this end?
Will it end at all?
Or am I going to die in here?
Not knowing where I was after all?

The Nightmare is long, its cruel, it hurts.
It breaks my shell, it covers me in dirt.
It scrapes off my skin,and as I bleed in pain,
The soft new skin shows its brilliance in the dark rain,
And I breathe heavy last time,
And open my eyes to see,
A whole new me and a day shining brightly!

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