Saturday, June 27, 2009

About Sexuality

I don’t understand why the west makes so much noise about sexuality! They love to make it into a major issue!

Now that they are bored of (over) sleeping with the opposite sex, they want to try out something new! So what do they do?.......They invent the story of a man born with an urge to love another man and vice versa.

I wonder from when these gay- lesbian issues started? And while a part of me thinks I don’t want to interfere into people’s sexuality problems, the other part says , “ well! These gays and lesbians are messing up our lives!”

Today they say same gender sex is ok! Tomorrow some other class of people will claim to enjoy an adult and child sex, some third class will claim human being to animal sex as perfectly normal!

These un-natural relationships are not ok! And they will never be! Gosh I hope India at least will never legalize same sex marriages!

What kind of a “trend” are we setting for our kids here? Tomorrow when my girl grows up she will have a choice to make- whether she wants to marry a boy or a girl? This is ridiculous! We are confusing our species here!
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