Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Vibes…. Of the rotten apples

There are some people I like just by looking at them, some I like when I talk to them and some I like just by being around them. There’s a comfort zone around such people, they let me be me, and they help me be me!

And then there are others……. I just don’t know why I get aggravated the moment I see them! The moment they talk to me, I get irritated! My heart wants to fight and insult them!

It’s all about the vibes different people give out. Positive attitude and a pleasing personality will always be accepted by everyone. Where as , a fake attitude, “I know it all” look will always repel others!

Recently I met up with some old friends from college! It had been a long time since we had met; there were so many misunderstanding by the end of the course that hardly anybody kept in contact with anyone. But I took a positive step by trying to resolve the old issues and giving it another shot, after all there were so many good experiences we had shared as classmates.

The meeting went very well and I realized by the end of it that not everyone is bad; it’s that one rotten apple that spoils the whole barrel!

A few minutes later, I met another of my college mate, he invited me for a coffee and I agreed.

Now here was the rotten apple!

I’d always kept safe distance from him for reasons unknown to me. He showed me he was caring and sweet but there was that fakeness in his smile, a double meaning to every question he asked. Some under-the –breath comments on my husband and my married life etc.

This time however I didn’t react to the vibes he was sending out, and all the negative energy that oozed out from him! On the other hand, I observed him, trying to find out what really is making this man send out all the negativity!

I came to the conclusion after watching him and people like him that these souls are actually frustrated with their own lives! Either that they crave for a girlfriend/ boyfriend (that’s the reason they laugh and comment on other’s private lives) or are frustrated with their career moves (the reason they question and show doubt towards other’s talent and skill). They love to laugh at other’s failures but fail to see the hard work behind that attempt that failed! They never give credit to anybody’s job well done, because it hurts them to acknowledge that fact.

So this time instead of arguing and getting angry with him, I felt sorry for him! I felt extremely sorry. For all this time after I passed out, I’ve been surrounded by only positive energy, it has given me the strength to stand by me and look at life positively. When I was in college, surrounded by these frustrated souls, their vibes were contagious- there was a time I was completely taken in by their attitude!

Lessons I learnt from my experiences:

1. Avoid the company of people with negative vibes. Even if the person is your best friend, get rid of the friendship before the negativity sucks you in!

2. There’s no point in arguing, explaining or justifying any of your actions to such people- it’s worthless!

3. Protect your loved one’s from such people’s backlash! I remember I’d taken my sis at a birthday party of my friend when a rotten apple lashed out at her without any reason. She was hurt and didn’t know what she had done to deserve that kind of treatment! The best thing at that moment was to leave the party and the people, but unfortunately we stayed on- we didn’t want to disturb the atmosphere!(a mistake)!

4. Put your foot down. It’s never too late. Stop : the conversation, the company and the relationship immediately!

I’ve strictly adhered to these conclusions and snapped out ties with immediate effect. The moment I know it’s a rotten apple; I throw it out of my life.

It requires a lot of courage as people around keep questioning such sudden behavior. But what is required is required! I’ve seen friendships dragged beyond the point of tolerance, just because the victim party doesn’t have the guts to stand up and say a firm “No”! What starts off by affecting only you goes on spreading- affecting your entire family.


  1. A guy or girl with negative vibes , how can he/she become your best friend ?

  2. @abhi: Sometimes a person may be full of negativity but he/she may have been good with you and he/she is extremely close to you to have become your best friend.Your subconscious mind may even refuse to believe that they give out negative vibes!But its still better to keep such people at a distance coz you never know when they would fill your life with their inherent negativity!

  3. yes devaki, exactly!
    something tht we found out at our cost...
    but a gr8 lesson learnt neverthless!
    good post, Jinx!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. @ abhi: A guy or girl with negative vibes , how can he/she become your best friend ?

    exactly! tht's a question i've been asking myself all this time.
    i've seen ppl change with circumstances! so i knw its very much possible!

  6. I completely agree with this positing. Life would be much easier if we surround ourselves with +ive vibes(I call it energy). Nature always strives for balance... Thats why its said... you reap what you sow. We can accumulate our positive enery thru our actions and thoughts. Some humans are inherently bad thus source of Bad Energy.. Its always wise to keep a safe distance from them.


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